O nama
Mission and Vision
Qualia is an imaginative software company with clear task to offer high-quality services to our clients, to make software products which are characterized by simplicity, functionality, user-friendliness and exceptional visual attractiveness.
We see ourselves as your partners that are curious about your business and its improvement, that are always available, real and truthful. In our work besides professionalism we cherish creativity and sense of humor.
Our vision is to become internationally acknowledged brand and association for speed, exactness and breathtaking final product.
What are we doing
We specialize in making custom software, data integration or business intelligence solutions to satisfy company’s, department’s or individual user’s needs in order to improve business processes, decision- making speed, team collaboration or information sharing.
We are creators of BusinessQ, our business intelligence, data visualization and web reporting software.
How are we different
We do not build applications or solutions that meet only minimum requirements of functionality, but the ones that will have the above mentioned inner beauty.
Such applications work better, faster, cost less, have less mistakes, last longer and have you – a satisfied user.
What we believe in
Our focus is in custom software development for visually attractive business applications as well as in data integration, data warehouse and business intelligence solutions.
In our work we have a passion for the same level of quality and performance that we expect of the top architectural achievements in everyday life. We believe that interior software design is reflected in its external applications and interface, just like beautiful building is a combination of form, structure and beauty.
Naziv tvrtke
Qualia poslovna rješenja d.o.o.
Adresa sjedišta
Šenoina ulica 10, 10000 Zagreb
Tržišta gdje posluju
- Europa
- Hrvatska
- Južna Amerika
- Rusija
- Slovenija
Tržišta gdje žele poslovati
- Bosna i Hercegovina
- Europa
- Hrvatska
- Južna Amerika
- Sjeverna Amerika
- Slovenija
- Srbija
Poslovni sektor
- Bankarstvo
- Maloprodaja
- Osiguranje
- Telekomunikacije
- Vlada
- Zdravstvo
- Data Integration
- Data Mining
- Data Quality
- Data Replication
- Data Visualization
- Datawarehousing
- Master Data Management
- Poslovna inteligencija
- Adobe Flash
- Adobe Flex
- BusinessQ
- C#
- Javascript
- jQuery
- Microsoft
- Mobile
- SQL Server
- Talend
BusinessQ is a web based business intelligence and data visualization software.
BusinessQ provides the insight you need to make better business decisions. Let BusinessQ tell you the story of your business data in precise, effective and unambiguous way – from monitoring your Sales, overseeing your inventory, measuring business success, or tracking Key Performance Indicators.
It helps companies to see otherwise hidden patterns, to spot business problems on time as well as to identify useful opportunities in their raw data.
Small and medium businesses don’t want to and can’t invest 100s of thousands EUR or more on long-lasting BI implementations and can’t hire new employees to support and work on these systems. BusinessQ is made with small and midsize businesses at mind; our focus is on user-friendliness, interactivity, fast results and implementation, low-cost and best practices data visualization.
Why BusinessQ?
Every company, no matter how big or small, needs Reports. Daily, Monthy, Yearly Reports, Performance reports, Controlling, Reports for administration, Reports for Management… Use BusinessQ to get new reporting ideas, to create Reports and share them. Create appropriate Dashboards and take action on what is really important; stay up-to-date with what’s going in your business.
BusinessQ is all about making that easy and fun while maintaining data visualization integrity. Spend time reading Reports, not making them!
Business Intelligence
Business Intelligence is about getting the right information to the right people at the right time. That way they can analyze company data, predict trends, be informed on any potential business problem and make well-informed decisions.
Data Integration / Data Warehouse
We identify key business dimensions and measures, design and implement data warehouse, data transfers, interfaces and more…
Web 2.0 applications
Rich Internet applications (RIA) combine the best features of desktop and web applications.
Data visualization
You have the data, but lack the expertise to show them?

Kontakt osobe

+385 91 2010 075
Hrvoje Smolić je suosnivač tvrtke Qualia. Odgovoran je za sve dijelove planiranja i razvoja strategije, kao i za neprestano usavršavanje procesa u svrhu ispunjenja misije. Kao Kreativni Direktor osmišljava i nadgleda izgled aplikacija, koristi dizajnerske principe da organizira njihov sadržaj i osigura potpunu komunikaciju aplikacije s korisnikom. Definira njihovu strukturu, dizajn informacija i sučelje.
Prije osnivanja Qualie, Hrvoje ima sedmogodišnje iskustvo u IT zajednici. Karijeru je započeo razvijajući poslovne aplikacije za banke, klijent-server programiranjem te modeliranjem relacijskih baza podataka uz ulogu poslovnog analitičara. Nadalje, profilirao se isprva kao konzultant za poslovnu inteligenciju (BI), a zatim kao voditelj BI projekata, BI i CRM tima te kao produkt menadžer.
Diplomirao je fiziku na PMF-u u Zagrebu, a trenutno studira i na poslijediplomskom smjeru.
Iskoristite CISEx kako biste se zajedno sa svima nama borili za naše bolje sutra. Kako bismo zajedno mijenjali svijet.
Postanite član