Plus Hosting Grupa d.o.o.

O nama

Plus Hosting započinje pružanjem web hostinga i srodnih usluga u 
veljači 2001. godine kao Plus, obrt za informatiku i Internet usluge. 
Svojom povoljnom ponudom i kvalitetnom korisničkom podrškaom ubrzo 
osvaja veliki dio web hosting tržišta u Hrvatskoj. U veljači 2010. 
Plus Hosting počinje djelovati kao tvrtka I. T. Plus d.o.o.

Danas je Plus Hosting najveći web hosting provider u Hrvatskoj. U 11 
godina poslovanja, poslužuje preko 17% hrvatskog internet tržišta. 
Plus Hosting pridaje puno pažnje sigurnosti, kapacitiranosti te 
redundanciji  infrastrukture smještene u Zagrebu.

Osim web hostinga, Plus Hosting nudi i usluge registriranja domena, 
zakupa SSL certifikata i Poslovnog maila, kao i posebna hosting 
riješenja poput VPS-a, dedicated servera i resellerskog hostinga.


Naziv tvrtke

Plus Hosting Grupa d.o.o.

Adresa sjedišta

Dalmatinova 4, Pula, 52100, HR

Telefon: +385 52 492 052


Plus Hosting was founded in February 2001 as a small business which offered web hosting and related services. 
With high-quality technical support and affordable prices, it managed to take on most of the Croatian web hosting market. 
In February 2010, Plus Hosting begins to operate as a company, I.T. Plus d.o.o.


Much attention is given to network security and redundancy of the infrastructure located in Zagreb, which is one of the reasons why Plus Hosting is currently the biggest web hosting provider in Croatia, holding over 17% of the Croatian Internet market.

Apart from web hosting, Plus hosting offers domain registration and renewal, SSL certificates, Microsoft Exchange, as well as custom hosting solutions such as VPS, dedicated servers and reseller hosting packages.

Kontakt osobe

Veljko Drakulić
Veljko Drakulić

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